RPI Update

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RPI Update

RPI Update: Berita perusahaan kami, produk baru, ulasan produk, aktivitas staf, pameran lokal dan internal.


Acara kami, kisah mitra, kegiatan ramah lingkungan, pemberdayaan masyarakat, dan tanggung jawab sosial perusahaan.


Proyek kami, inspirasi produk, tips & trik, DIY, dan studi kasus.

Partikel Board

5 Reasons Why You Should Choose Particle Board for Your Project

Introduction to Particle Board Particle board is a versatile, engineered wood product made from wood chips, sawdust, and other wood residues that are bonded together ...
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PT Rimba Partikel Indonesia: Sang Maestro Papan Partikel

Have you ever wondered where the high-quality particle board used in furniture and interiors comes from? The answer may be closer than you think. In ...
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MFC Board Blog

MFC Board di Acara Indonesia Building Technology Expo

One way to show the good quality of a product is to participate in exhibitions. Last July, PT Rimba Partikel Indonesia participated in the Indonesia ...
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Partikel Board

Apakah Papan Partikel Dapat Digunakan Sebagai Material Lantai?

Carefully select materials to build a safe and comfortable house. Start with choosing the material for the floor. If you are still confused about what ...
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MFC Board

Mengenal MFC Board Lebih Dekat

Melamine Faced Chipboard (MFC) stands for a type of Melamine resin board. We cultivate trees explicitly for the production of MFC wood, emphasizing short-term harvesting ...
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particle board Partikel Board

Partikel board: Keuntungan dan Tips Membeli

Manufacturers frequently use particle board to craft household furniture like tables, bookshelves, and cupboards. They create this material by pressing wood dust and adhesive into ...
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